Simon Trewavas
Phone: 07 3007 1738
Email: strewavas@qldbar.asn.au
Year of Admission:
Jurisdictions Admitted:
High Court
New South Wales
New Zealand
Professional Qualifications:
Bachelor of Laws
Member of Bar Association of Queensland
Areas of Practice:
Administrative Law.
Appellate Law.
Australian Consumer Law
Bankruptcy / Insolvency
Commercial Law.
Corporations Law
Employment and Industrial Law
Family Law.
Insurance / Personal Injury / Common Law.
Wills / Probate / Estates.
About Simon
Simon has been practicing law since 2002 and specialising in commercial litigation since 2007. In that time he has acted for companies, directors of companies, insolvency practitioners and individuals in a wide variety of corporate, commercial, construction, estate and partnership disputes.
Simon has acted for a wide variety of clients from ASX listed companies and high net worth clients to sole traders and individuals. Regardless of whom he is acting for, he provides frank and fearless advice and advocacy.
Simon has the experience and judgment to provide commercial solutions and practical outcomes to the legal issues you face.
Briefing Policy
I only accept instructions from solicitors or from professionals such as accountants or liquidators seeking specialist advice.
I do not accept direct instructions from the general public.
Your solicitor or other professional adviser can assist you in deciding whether you need the specialist services of a barrister.
“Liability limited by a scheme approved under professional standards legislation”